We put together the questions most frequently asked by our clients, so you dont have to ask again. If you still have questions about the VAM security device, dont hesitate to ask us.

Ive never seen this system before. Is this a new type of security???

The VAM security system has a history spanning over more than 20 years. We developed the system slowly and precisely to make sure its flawless and works perfectly.??

Can the VAM security malfunction?

??Of course, we can never rule out this possibility, but we have not encountered a case where the system was damaged yet. We received quality certification for the VAM security system from the renowned German TÜV association.??

How big is the "box"?

??The VAM cassette is smaller than the key of any vehicle.??

How long does it take to install the anti-theft security system???

Because it is installed differently in each car, the duration of the installation of the VAM system depends on the type of vehicle, motorization and level of equipment. It generally takes 3 to 4 hours.??

How many VAM cassettes will I get?

??Customers get 2 cassettes during each installation, so they can have one for each of their car keys.

Where do you install the system???

We install the car security system in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Since we are talking about real security, it is not possible for anyone to install the system anywhere. We have Installation centers in Brno and Prague. The security system is installed exclusively by our engineers, who are verified and have been working with us for several years.??

Can the anti-theft security system be installed in a new car? Will I lose my warranty?

The installation of our security system has no negative affect on the vehicles warranty.? Our company strictly follows conditions relating to the provision of warranties in consumer contracts, which are governed by v § 619 et seq. Act no. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code, as amended, i.e. we provide a warranty for all the parts of the vehicle affected by our system.

We only intervene in certain parts of the electrical wiring, never directly the control units, mobile parts or the deformation zones of the vehicle.

We generally install the system in new vehicles with selling prices in the range of 20,000 to 200,000 €, as well as industrial vehicles, the selling price of which often exceeds 300.000 €.? This is naturally all without any complications or loss of the warranty.??

What is the price of the VAM car security system?

Because the installation is unique for each vehicle and different parts are blocked, the price largely depends on the length and difficulty of the installation itself. Each installation is carried out by three technicians, and lasts about 3 hours. Write or call us, and we will be happy to prepare a specific price quote.??

What types of cars can you secure?

??We have almost no limitations and we can install the VAM security system in almost all types of vehicles. We are only restricted by cars that were manufactured before 2000, or historic vehicles, where there are less electronic parts.??

If you have any other questions, dont hesitate to write or call us, we will be happy to answer your questions. We are fully available.???

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